Services & Products

Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer and Agro Chemicals, Production and Distribution of Seed, Production and Aggregation of Grains Provision of Tractor Services, Provision of Extension Services, Warehousing and Haulage Services


Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer andĀ Agro Chemicals

Fertilizer andĀ Agro Chemicals

  • Distributes over 100,000 bags of fertilizer annually
  • Distributes over 5000 cartons of chemicals annually,
  • we work with over 98 input dealers across the Upper West region and parts of Northern Region


Production and Distribution of Seeds

Production of high quality seeds

  • Largest local seed company in Ghana. Produced over 450mt in 2016, 550mt in 2017 and expecting 2,500mt by 2020
  • Major crops include Maize, Rice and Soybean
  • Production of foundation seeds in collaboration with CSIR-SARI, IITA
  • work with over 110 out0growers

Sales and Distribution of high quality Seeds

  • Sales and Distribution of high quality Seeds including hybrid through over 98 input dealers across Upper West Region and parts of Northern Region.
  • Promotes the use of treated seeds


Production and Aggregation of Grains


Provision of Tractor, Extension, Warehousing and Haulage Services

cost efficient & resonable
of growth every
happy customer using our product